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When one door closes another door opens! ❤🙏🚪

When one door closes another door opens!!!!

Do you ever think about what seems like a lifetime that a door can shut or open without you even making plans? I have experienced this from happening when I had lost a career that I worked so hard to get. It was truly my dream to become an accountant. I had gone to college to get a degree in accounting. I was working for a multimillion-dollar company in town. I came to work and did what was required of me. I even went

to the banks to make sure everyone that worked for the company would get checks. I was living on cloud 9 until betrayal happened. I was devastated by the loss and persecution I had faced.

Apparently, my boss was planning on firing me behind my back but was struggling to tell me what she was going to do. I had received an email from her after they mentioned training me in customer service to keep me as an employee. It said that I had a couple days to improve without training. My heart broke into pieces, and I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. How could they just change their minds? It had only been a couple of days since she told me they would train me. I was hurt and upset, but little did I know I would have to make a decision quickly. I had never felt so much betrayal. I felt like jumping off a cliff and waking up from this bad dream I was having.

But sadly, to my surprise I wasn't asleep and had to quit without a 2 weeks' notice. I remember sitting in my office with the door closed praying to God for an answer. I knew I had to let this dream job go as an accountant specialist. After I cried out to God for an answer. God very quietly spoke to my heart and assured me that he would take care of me, and my family and we wouldn't lose anything. So, I humbled myself at that moment and sent my boss a message and let her know I was quitting and got up out of the chair then walked out the door without looking back.

At first, I thought, until I was completely jobless with no choice, but to try to draw unemployment.

I had to get a copy of my pay stubs information, but sadly found out that my ex-boss had put some kind of restriction for me to be on the business premises.

Wow, the betrayal was real for me. I questioned God at that moment. Why was this happening to me? I was a faithful believer and friend of God. What could I have done to be giving such betrayal. After I had a mental breakdown and was rushed to the hospital. By my surprise God began to speak to my heart and let me know that he allowed it because I was not trusting him, so he was trying to teach me a lesson.

Okay I know you're thinking why God would do that to me. Right? Well, the truth is God's way of thinking is so much higher than our thinking. He will allow a storm, test, trial just to teach us a lesson. The things we go through are literally meant to grow us up in the things of God. The Bible says that we have to grow up and put away childish things. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.

1 Corinthians 13:11 AMP

See it was God's will for me to go through this storm and get the lesson and that was to never put my trust in anything other than God.

I quickly got the lesson and repented. But it was still a process to find the right job perfect for me. I was determined to find the right one. At first it was very difficult finding a job, but somehow, I ended up working from home. I found out through constantly getting close to getting fired that God wanted me to be home with my family. Working from home is the best thing that ever happened to me as a steady income for me. I currently book cruises working for myself and get to make my own schedule. God knew what was best for me. I enjoy working for myself with a flexible schedule that allows me to still take care of my family. God opens doors after it shuts. I'm so glad that he opened the door for me and I'm able to do what's best for me. It's a true statement to trust God in everything. You'll be glad you did!!!!

I pray that my testimony has inspired you to trust God and if you were blessed by what I shared please feel free to leave a comment, like, and share.



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God is so good! Amen. ❤



I loved it! 😍

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