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The process of healing!!!!

The journey to healing isn't easy! You have to see life from a different perspective. If you have ever been hurt it takes a lot to heal from past wounds. It doesn't matter how it came about, the fact that you are feeling pain means that you are still alive.

I have learned that God uses our pain to shape and mold us into his image. I know you are thinking why would God do that. Doesn't he love me? I have felt that way many times even to the point where I even questioned if I was allowing the right people in my life. God later taught me that it's okay to ask questions about how I feel and even to the point of expressing how I feel.

My healing process didn't start right away and I wondered if I was ever going to heal from all of the past rejection I felt in my heart.

I had to make a decision that I was willing to allow God to heal me inwardly so I could become whatever God truly wants me to be. As I have surrendered my will in this area of healing.

God began to show me the hidden pain that I never talked to anybody about. I begin to express my pain in unusual ways. I would find myself crying and asking God why me?

“I couldn't understand why so much pain.”

But then God revealed to me that there was Purpose in my pain and I needed to just accept that I was broken. I felt that it would take a miracle to heal all those places that made me bleed in my heart. When I tell you the pain was tough. I learned that the enemy wants to take our peace from us and sometimes even though God uses pain to even heal us. The devil uses pain to try to keep us in a mindset of focusing on

the past, but God wants to take that same pain and bring deliverance and a powerful testimony to help others. This is exactly what Jesus did when he was here 2,000 years ago. He went through so much pain while on this earth that we couldn't imagine. The bible says that Jesus knows how we feel when you are so sad and in pain mentally. After accepting the truth of my brokenness I began to ask God to heal me and God literally heard my prayers and my cry. He began to cause me to surrender and humble myself to move out of the way.

“As I surrendered I still felt more pain, but my responses were different than before.”

I actually felt some relief as I started being honest with myself. The words that I would speak would be exactly how I felt on the inside. No longer showing the masks I placed on my face to appeal that I was actually okay.

When the truth was that I wasn't. So the healing process is definitely not an easy process. It will take consistency and being honest with your feelings to overcome the plans and attacks of the enemy. If you are reading this blog and it is ministering to you. God is truly concerned about you and he wants to heal you everywhere you hurt, but first you have to be honest and pray for healing. God will begin to work on your heart and you will start to see the changes. Don't be discouraged, just give your pain to God instead of feeling sorry for yourself.

Let’s pray together about your pain!

Pray with me father God I am yours and I am being honest with the way I feel about this situation. I need you to come in and heal this broken heart. I don't like the way my heart feels. Please give me a heart after yours and I will serve you forever and ever in Jesus name Amen! If you prayed this prayer with me you are on your way to allowing God to change your heart in Jesus name I pray Amen.



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Comments (2)

Mar 17, 2023

God is so good! Amen. ❤


Feb 24, 2023

I loved it! 😍

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