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Thanking God Through Life's Challenges❤

Thanking God through life's challenges

Have you ever wondered why life can be really amazing one day and other days it can be very challenging? Have you ever woke up brushed your teeth, washed your face and felt so great and all of a sudden something happens that makes you feel bad? Well I have had many days like this and these days can be equated to a roller coaster ride. If you are alive you are truly blessed with all of life's challenges. The saying that life is a roller coaster ride is a true statement, we can have great conversations that sometimes can be changed from positive to negative. Depending on how the conversation is going, we can always turn a bad situation into a positive one.

Have you ever taken the time to look at life and see what's all around us?

All of God’s creation was created for God himself because God is a good person he made everything good. When I go outside I can see how beautiful God's creation is. The sun, clouds, and beautiful environment is enough to make you feel enlightened in your mood. Even though life has so many challenges it can also be viewed in a positive way. I think that is what God is trying to get us to see in his creation. The bible says, “For by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through him [that is, by his activity] and for Him. God tells us in everything we are to give thanks for all that we go through even with our life challenges. A challenge can be a situation, test, or a circumstance that makes you question your faith, and who you are in God’s kingdom.

Part of the reason I am writing this post is to get you to have a different perspective about life.

So many people, situations, things, and circumstances can make you feel like nothing will get better, but I have great news for you. Jesus is real and he wants to help us overcome our sad and not so good days. He can turn your frown into a smile through inviting in his love and concern for your life. Besides he is the one that created you in the first place. So take a look around and see the many things you can be thankful for.

“In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

I love how in God's word he tells us to thank him in everything and every situation. Did you know that you can have peace in the midst of a challenging situation? Well I have learned from experience that God will give you peace that surpasses all understanding. When you're having a challenging situation as I have described earlier God has an amazing peace that will help you to stay calm in every circumstance. It pleases our father when we choose to walk with our heads up high and be confident in him. Always remember that life is a blessing and you can choose to thank God in every situation no matter the circumstances!!!

Please feel free to leave a comment! Love Teyla Wilson. ❤



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Comments (2)

Mar 17, 2023

God is so good! Amen. ❤


Feb 24, 2023

I loved it! 😍

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