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Purpose is in You!💕

This is a question that so many of us ask and the amazing thing about finding out what is your purpose is that it is found in the bible. The bible teaches you so much about purpose and it has a great meaning about it.

Let’s discover what the bible says about purpose.

In several scriptures in the book of Ephesians and as well as other scriptures in the bible talks about how we were made with a purpose in mind. That is God created all of us with a purpose. The challenge comes when we want to know what is my purpose in life. Part of the reason I am creating this website and starting a ministry is because I believe that God wants us to discover our purpose. There are so many hidden things about life that you can only discover through getting to know God. When we develop a relationship with God he helps us to find out what he put on the inside of us. What we are good at and who we are supposed to help. I believe part of our mission in life is to discover that very thing and not limit ourselves and God.

God is so amazing and he knows all about what he has put in us. I begin to look up the word purpose and it has such a powerful meaning it has to do with who God says we are based on the word of God in one of the other blogs I begin talking about spiritual gifts and I believe that it goes hand and hand with the true meaning of purpose. You must discover your gift so that you can discover your purpose.

“The definition of purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”

Ask yourself this question: what am I good at that comes natural for me? This could be the very thing that God has a purpose for you to do. I will use some examples: are you good at cooking, encouragement, sports, writing, doing hair, fixing things, etc.. There are so many things to think about when it comes to our natural gifts and talents, but the point I want you to focus on is what your true identity is in Christ. This is where we discover the reason we were created in the first place. There is a scripture in the bible in Ephesians 2:10 where it talks about how God created us in his image and likeness to be used for good works. How amazing is that! God created us with natural and spiritual gifts to bring others to Christ so that they can discover their true kingdom purpose. So this means that somehow we got it all wrong in the world the kingdom of God is supposed to be ruling in the earth.

When you study the book of Genesis it talks about how God said for us to have dominion over all the earth Genesis 1:28, so where did we go wrong?

After Adam sinned in the garden of Eden it became hard for the people of God to rule over all the earth. Sin came in and destroyed so many things that God wanted us to have. Notice how when it comes to authority it looks like sin is in authority so many people are operating in the things of this world, but where are the people of God that can function in authoritative roles. If God gave us authority where are the true people of God that will walk into who God created us to be. God wants to be a part of every part of your life that is not limited to just being in a building at church, but he wants us to go out and take authority over everything so that he can get the glory. We should see more people of God operating in leadership roles, businesses, government, sports, entertainment industry, etc. I feel that the world we live in would be a better place if we discovered that there are no limits to what God can do when we choose to develop an intimate relationship with him. So what is noticeable about all that I have shared throughout this post is that purpose is waiting on you and me. This is where I want to encourage you to pray that God will help you discover who you are in the kingdom of God so that you can make an impact in America and in this world. You can reach who God has assigned to you. You can really be about our father’s Business!!! Amen. I pray that it was a blessing for you to read. I discovered what purpose looks like in my life and I am excited that you chose to join and be a part of the KPD Ministry and begin this journey with me as well.

Please feel free to leave a comment and I’m grateful that you are here.


Lala B
Lala B
Mar 02, 2021

Sister Teyla this is beautiful ❤️ and very encouraging!!!!!

KPD Ministry
KPD Ministry
Mar 02, 2021
Replying to

Awesome sis! It took a minute for me to write. I actually think about how Purpose is so powerful! We have to walk in our purpose!💖💕😇🙌🙌🙌


Wendy Browder
Wendy Browder
Feb 27, 2021

Well alright Amen

KPD Ministry
KPD Ministry
Feb 27, 2021
Replying to

Thank you Grandma glad you enjoyed it💕💖


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Comments (2)

Mar 17, 2023

God is so good! Amen. ❤


Feb 24, 2023

I loved it! 😍

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