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Overcoming Anxiety!

God wants you and me to Overcome Anxiety!!

When it comes to overcoming anxiety, it can be very interesting—the fact that I have struggled with anxiety for a while. I never understood the steps to take to get victory in this area. Sometimes I didn’t even know what was going on in my body. Until one day my eyes were opened entirely to the fact that I had experienced a very traumatic situation that almost cost me my life. I will share this very small testimony of how God kept me in the midst of my foolishness and then I’ll get back to sharing with you how to overcome this horrible emotion that in no way comes from God.

So, I was on vacation last year 2022 in May enjoying the beach and beautiful atmosphere in Pensacola, Florida. I was having the best time of my life. I didn’t want to leave, but this amazing vacation turned out to be the worse time of my life. It caused a huge amount of trauma in my life because I had just left the amusement park and it was a beautiful and hot day. We went to the mall afterward and then to a nearby city that had a coffee shop. I had two cups of coffee that day and then next to that coffee shop was a CBD-legal Marijana store that has gummies also. I was given this legal drug that caused my body to spiral way out of control mixed with a huge amount of fear. I ended up by the end of the day fighting for my life to still be alive. I never felt so much pain in my life and I didn’t know hardly what to do. But needless to say, this very long testimony that I am keeping short God helped me to overcome this horrible day, but it wasn’t easy. Months after this traumatic experience my body was fighting to get back to functioning the way it was designed to. God is an amazing creator when he made us as human beings, he gave us everything for our bodies to properly function. Read the book of Genesis it will explain more in the first couple of chapters. God created healthy foods, plants, and fruits for every human to survive and live a successful life. The problem comes in when we don’t realize how the body works and what’s needed. Because as I was saying before I didn’t know my body was missing something and that I was contributing to the stress and anxiety I kept experiencing. So, as I fought with the stress and anxiety, I begin to see an anxiety counselor which at first helped, but then there was still something else missing. The lord began to show me that I was still dealing with anxiety, digestive issues, heart pulse increasing, sweating at night while trying to sleep, and stress because of several things I was allowing and doing myself. I know you thinking wow, so the mind is that powerful and the answer to that question is the mind is very powerful we have no idea until we have to find out for ourselves. I found out that very thing as I prayed and read scriptures and meditated on how to get victory over anxiety the Lord begin to speak to my heart concerning this issue. He would wake me up early in the morning and begin speaking to me what was the root causes of the anxiety and stress I was still experiencing. I was deeply shocked by what he revealed to me, and I believe it will help you too. I discovered that it was never ever a part of God's will for anxiety to ever be in any of our hearts it is not of God, and it is dangerous. Not to scare you, but it stops the body from functioning the way God designed it. I know this because I went through it.

So, the lord showed me first that it was coming from a spirit of fear that entered in when I had that traumatic experience and he had been trying to help me overcome that fear that he didn’t cause. Then he showed me that I needed to change the way I was thinking it was simply just wrong. God said, “In order for me to overcome this anxiety when I feel the fear try to come up in my mind to begin thinking good thoughts.” Like literally think thoughts like everything is going to be okay, I don’t have anxiety, I am not fearful, I am healthy, I don’t have stress, I am happy, God is good, etc.… The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7 'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Then in the bible, it says in Philippians 4:8-9 'Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do and the God of peace shall be with you. Did you just read that last part? This basically means that if we could just do our parts by trusting God's word and doing what it says in this scripture think on good thoughts, we can experience God's peace instead of fear and stress. My God!!! God’s word is powerful as I have begun to study God's word, I have been receiving so many revelations. The words that are written in the bible have power when we apply them to our lives. I believe that’s why God says in his word that he has given us power and authority over the enemy. Lord God, I feel like shouting because this is great news for you and me. I even think about the fact that God tells us that the power even lies within our tongues. Meaning that what we speak out of our mouths can have a significant impact on our circumstances. I don’t know about you, but I am encouraged to do what the lord says in his word. It’s always a great idea to just obey God's word spoken in the bible. So, another thing that will help us overcome anxiety is simply eating healthy food options, including fruits, exercising, slowing down, resting, and relaxing. The Lord is teaching me how important it is to take our minds off the daily demands of life and focus our minds on what's more important taking care of ourselves. Taking care of ourselves will help us to be successful in every area of our lives. Especially for me because I have a ministry that is consistently growing, and I am a mother and wife, so I have so many daily responsibilities. If I am going to benefit at all in any of these areas, I am going to have to do all this and the above. The benefits of it are life-changing. God showed me that he wants me to have a better life, but he isn’t going to do it for me I have to put in the work to get it done to see those benefits. Another stress-coping remedy is setting yourself a schedule and following it while removing all distractions. Last year and even at the beginning of this year the lord had me remove all distractions from my life. That way I can have more peace. I found myself going to Instagram and removing all the things that I created from my past that God never wanted me to since I had thought that God wanted me modeling last year I created an Instagram page for modeling and paid for the promotional people's money to have like 5,000 followers. As I obeyed God and removed all the people one by one I begin to feel such a release and instant sense of peace from God. Then I had to delete the public page of the KPD Ministry Facebook group because that too wasn’t helping the issue. I deleted it because some people I didn’t need to still have any connections with because God feels that it is best. I mentioned some pretty awesome things to help you overcome that horrible emotion and feeling of stress and anxiety. Now I am going to explain what I discovered happens to the body when you are eating healthy food choices and exercising. The first thing is the mind and health are completely restored. Which really blows my mind. So, the fact that fear is present is not of God, so we have to get rid of it. Through all the steps I mentioned earlier and getting all the necessary natural vitamins that help the body to function the way God created it. So, the body needs so many different vitamins for every single system such as the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. I know you thinking wow the body is made up of all of that. Lol. I thought the same thing too. So, I think you get my point and in mentioning the majority of vitamins we need are Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. As well as essential vitamins like calcium, fiber, magnesium, potassium, Thiamine, folate, zinc, biotin, iron, etc... Lord, there are a lot, but I believe these are the basics. You can see why it is so important to take care of our bodies because all of these vitamins are naturally in a lot of foods, grains, proteins, fruits, and vegetables we eat. Now that I have mentioned all the helpful nutrition, we need we can focus on the exercise part lol!!

So even though we need all of this nutrition for our bodies to function properly we also need exercise. I know some people struggle with exercising and I am not going to lie I did struggle with exercising in the beginning. It is really good to exercise because it helps reduce stress, anxiety, and other things that are not good for the body. So, the benefits that come with exercising include improving brain health, and weight, reducing the risk of diseases, strengthening bones and muscles, and energy for the body. I love everything that I am learning with this blog. I am so happy that I can see the need to take steps to overcome anxiety and stress. God is very happy that we can finally see the need as well. Me, I have started adding exercising daily to my schedule at least 30 mins to an hour depending on what exercise.

I pray that I have shared something in the blog that encourages you to really get serious about your health and do as the bible says and we can live long lives on this earth. I feel led to pray for those that are currently struggling with these very things that I mentioned in this blog. Father God in the name of Jesus the person that is reading this blog did not just happen to read this today. Lord, I pray that you would give them a strong desire to get so serious about taking care of themselves and that they would choose to exercise and choose healthy options and even as they are learning how to overcome anxiety and stress that you would give them the victory as well as you are teaching me even now. I ask all these things in your son Jesus' mighty name I pray-AMEN!

Thank you for choosing the time today to read this blog if you were blessed by the blog, please share your thoughts in the comments within this page on what you received from the Lord. As always happy reading.

Love your sister, Teyla Wilson


Jun 13, 2023

I'm literally sitting here catching up on all your blogs and you touched on everything I'm experiencing as I'm going through this season of Restructuring. GOD led me to them. You are awesome Hun. GOD is moving in ways I could have never imagined. Thank you Lord 🙏🏽

KPD Ministry
KPD Ministry
Jun 14, 2023
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Amen! To God be all the glory. ❤️


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Comments (2)

Mar 17, 2023

God is so good! Amen. ❤


Feb 24, 2023

I loved it! 😍

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