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How was KPD Ministry Birthed?

The day God changed my life through a true encounter with him. This was one day that I will never forget and I am reminded how awesome God really is. People really don’t believe that God is real, but he is. On February 17th, 2017 my mother was in a very bad car crash where she almost lost her life. I remember like it was yesterday. As the lord leads me to share this powerful testimony. I had received a call the day before February 16th, 2017 when I was at home doing laundry. My grandmother had called me and was very concerned because she said,
“that they couldn’t believe what had happened”. My mother and baby sister had been in a 5 car crash collision with a head on collision while headed to a church revival at night the day before around 7pm. The horrible news was the worst experience I had ever heard of because my mother was involved along with my baby sister. I was so shocked and so many thoughts went through my mind at once I couldn’t control myself from letting out a loud cry that the bible refers to as a righteous cry Psalms 34:17 When the righteous cry [for help], the Lord hears and rescues them from all their distress and troubles. I truly couldn’t believe what I was hearing and I needed the lord to make a way out of no way. I will try to make this testimony short as it is a long testimony. So fast forwarding to me leaving my home and driving to the hospital in Atlanta, Georgia where a helicopter had airlifted my mother to. As for my sister she was at a children’s hospital in ICU. The minute I walked through my mother ICU room I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see with my eyes. My mother had looked so horrible and she was barely conscious and literally fighting for her life with many wounds to her face, knees, and legs. Immediately, tears started running down my face and I wanted God to really change this situation. So after seeing my mom as bad as she looked I decided to stay at the hospital for the rest of the night. I felt in my heart my mother needed me and I was going to be there right by her side no matter what. Spending the night at the hospital was the most uncomfortable feeling I had to sit in a chair while my mother kept pushing the emergency button to her ICU room bed. Then I would have to rush to the nurses and tell them to please help my mother because of how much pain she was in. Now I will tell you what happened the next morning when I woke up in the lobby and walked to my mothers ICU room. There was a window not too far from her bed and I looked out the window and noticed that the traffic on the highway had started slowing down. In my mind I thought this was unusual because it was early morning traffic in Atlanta, GA. After I had thought how strange things had seemed all of sudden I felt like praising God in a very chaotic situation. I begin to speak in tongues and praise God like I never had done before and then before I knew it my body began to fall down to the floor slowly. When my body had made it to the floor something amazing had happened to me it was a feeling that I have never felt before. Somehow from praising God I was on the floor not able to move, but I could hear a voice that I now truly knew was GOD. God began to speak to me where I could hear him so clearly and he told me to get up and look at the door because there was a man coming with my mothers food. Which I could have never known on my own and I got up and looked at the door and wow a man was coming with my mothers food. I thought for a second I was in a dream because the next thing I knew I was walking over to my mothers food that was on the table and God told me to grab her soup that the man brought and give her the soup the minute I did out of obedience. My mother's mouth got really wide and then God spoke my mothers name and he was speaking to her spirit just like he did when he raised Lazareth from the dead. I’m still in shock while all of this is going on RIGHT and now God tells me to raise up my mothers ICU bed so my mother can sit up. After that God had me pray for my mother in an unknown language and I believe it was a prayer for healing to manifest throughout my mothers entire body. Still in amazement after praying for my mother God wanted me to go throughout the hospital praying and ministering to people I’ve never known before….. I am going to stop right there because this is the moment that God birthed something in me. He put a passion in me to help people discover their purpose in God’s Kingdom. This is truly when the KPD ministry was birthed!!! I can truly tell you that God is real and he desires a relationship with all of us. He wants to help you with whatever situation you are facing! Just to share more into my testimony God healed my mother and my baby sister and gave me more than I could ever imagine and he wants to do the same for you. If you need prayer for anything God can heal you and fix the situation. I believe in the power of prayer. AMEN!!!

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Let us pray for you!

"Now to Him who is able to [carry out his purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to his power that is at work within us". Ephesians 3:20

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